How Does Podiatry Practice Management Software Benefit Podiatry Clinic?

1st Providers Choice presents a podiatry EMR software that is ONC 2015 stage 3 certified and extremely friendly for the users. This software is designed in a way that your podiatry practice management software becomes easy and runs more efficiently.

A wide range of features has been tailored in this IMS EMR software to make sure that healthcare is improved when it comes to delivery and profitability. It takes only five clicks in our podiatry emr software while it takes 30 clicks in the competitors’ software to run a program. Seeing the information of the patients on the screen is just a single click away in our EMR software.

There are several unique features in our IMS making it perfect for your medical practice.

  • It has a form generator to extract the patients’ data from the files.

  • We provide a plan generator for podiatry care that includes patient education handouts that are specific to diagnosis.

  • E-prescribing and medication tracking system that is podiatry-specific.

  • There are several options for data entry such as voice dictation.

We have experienced staff to provide EMR training and support

1st Providers Choice provides the best quality training for the practice staff of your clinic. These staff and trainers have been associated with us for the last thirty years or more. Unlike our competitors, we don’t outsource our support and resources to different countries as our trainers are based in the US. This helps your podiatry practice management software and we are ready to answer all the queries regarding MIPS/MACRA, PQRS or Physician Quality Reporting System, and podiatry patient portals.

Many podiatrists around the states are joining us as 1st providers choice is the best podiatry solution in the market. There have been several podiatrists who have received the full amount of the $18000 stimulus check after using our EMR Software Company services.

Benefits of our EMR software

Since new technologies are affecting different aspects of our lives including healthcare, sleep medicine EHR, telemedicine, patient portals, etc. are helping the healthcare industry to store patient information, share seamless data, and improve the quality of treatment. These new technologies are saving costs to benefit both the healthcare providers and the patients and changing the quality of the healthcare delivery system.

Reasons behind the adoption of EMR software

HITECH act has been enacted to encourage healthcare providers around the United States to adopt electronic health record system software. The software has multiple benefits in clinical and financial ways that cut down the costs and deliver better productivity to improve the healthcare for patients.

If you are running a podiatry practice management software, an EMR system can improve several areas compared to old paper charts. Patient care becomes more convenient and improved. Diagnosis and health outcomes are more accurate. You will realize that care coordination is way more efficient. Patients can also participate in their care process. The utility of EMR software is cost-saving and delivers growth to the practice. For more info, visit 1st Providers Choice


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